Do Investors have any equity in the Magnevad?


Since August 22, 2000 Goldowsky has operated three corporations from three different states. He has raised the bulk of $1.4M under Gold Medical Technologies, Inc., but then he bankrupted this company in 2006 to avoid paying a judgment. Then he supposedly assigned the patent rights to the new corporation and selectively issued new shares of stock to some investors but not to others, in violation of amendment #4 of the shareholders agreement. Then he dissolved the second corporation and opened a third but never notified the shareholders of the dissolution of the second company or the organization of the third. Furthermore, shareholders were not notified of the transfer of the Patent Rights to the third corporation, nor were they issued new shares in the same. So who owns what where?

Speaking of the all important Patent Rights, Goldowsky also conveniently forgot to tell the shareholders that the precious patents, on which he has been banking his SCAM, expired in 2008 and 2011 for non payment of the maintenance fees. During this 9 year lapse in IP protection, technically the company is valueless and the shareholders have invested in patents that were misrepresented as being worth millions when in fact were expired. It is important to note that Goldowsky practically extorted the shareholders repeatedly for additional money needed to keep the patents in force, but apparently never actually used the money to pay the patent fees, so what did he do with the money? I know this for a fact, because he asked me to help him raise money to pay for the patent fees, and I brought him 3 investors, who collectively gave him $30,000, and he never paid the patent fees.

So if the Magnevad has no active patents, what have we actually invested in?

2 thoughts on “Do Investors have any equity in the Magnevad?

  1. In 2006 I invested $5,000 with Gold Medical. Shortly after that, the corporation went bankrupt and was closed. At that time Goldowsky had formed a new corporation and sent me equivalent stocks in the new corporation. I am very upset to understand that while I invested in good faith with Mr. Goldowsky, he has not acted in good faith to responsibly run his corporation in a responsible and honest manner. I now find out he has started yet another corporation. As a shareholder in the two previous corporations, I thought Goldowsky had an obligation to reissue me shares in the latest corporation. Not sure even if I had been sent these, they would have any value due to the way Goldowsky has mismanaged things.

    1. Thank you for commenting John. It is a shame to find out that even after that, he even let the patent rights that we all invested in expire, and thus left the company with no assets. It is unthinkable that Michael Goldowsky should continue to run the company that he has already run into the ground. I hope you will join us in our effort to remove him and save the project.

      Thanks again!

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