Gold Medical Technologies, Inc. – Chronology


August 22, 2000

On August 22, 2000, Michael P. Goldowsky incorporates Gold Medical Technologies, Inc. in New York State, as a Domestic New York State Corporation

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History of Gold Medical Technologies’ legal entanglements

(This is just what I was able to find in the public records, without having to pay to do a more in-depth search)
CLICK HERE to request copies of these documents

January 03, 2001

Gold Medical Technologies v. American Contracting

Outcome: Judgment of $47,808.75


March 03, 2002

Gold Medical Technologies v. Western Surety Co.

Outcome: Not noted in public records


August 09, 2004

Gold Medical Technologies v. Wyatt Newman

Outcome: Newman was awarded a $55,595.00 judgment against Gold Medical Technologies

CLICK HERE to see the document


July 27, 2005

Goldowsky sends out Newsletter No. 8 to the shareholders and tells them that the suit with Prof. Newman was now over and that it had been settled substantially on Gold Medical’s terms. We thank Mr. Jonathan Kagan, a key investor, for his financial assistance to bring this to conclusion.

Goldowsky never tells the shareholders that the court had ruled in favor of Prof. Newman.

A copy of the newsletter is available upon request. CLICK HERE to request a copy.


September 23, 2006

Goldowsky deliberately bankrupts Gold Medical Technologies to avoid paying judgments

According to Prof. Newman, after the court ruled against Gold Medical Technologies and awarded him the $55,595.00 judgment on August 29, 2006, Goldowsky told Prof. Newman that even though he had won the court case, he would see to it that he would never collect a dime from the judgment, because he would file for bankruptcy. In fact, on September 23, 2006, Gold Medical Technologies, Inc. filed for bankruptcy in the NY Southern District Bankruptcy court in White Plains, NY, and Prof. Newman was not able to collect anything.

Even after filing for bankruptcy, Goldowsky was negligent in his duty as CEO, by not properly dissolving the entity and thereby prevent the corporation from accruing fees and penalties imposed by NY state. As of June 30, 2017, according to the New York State Division of Corporations, Gold Medical Technologies, Inc. is still listed as an ACTIVE corporation, however no taxes have been filed and no fees have been paid since 2004. Even before he filed for bankruptcy, Goldowsky was already delinquent on the corporate tax returns and fees, which is yet another example of his inability to manage the company’s business, and his complete disregard for the laws governing the proper administration of a corporation.


January 16, 2017

On January 16, 2017, eleven years after Gold Medical Technologies, Inc. had officially filed for bankruptcy, Goldowsky signs a consulting agreement, as CEO of Gold Medical Technologies, Inc. with Mr. Aldo Gareri. This is very troubling and raises questions about Goldowsky’s premeditated intent to defraud. Since Goldowsky is the one who personally strategized the bankruptcy of Gold Medical Technologies 11 years earlier, and he has a pattern of breaching agreements, hence the reason he chose to file for bankruptcy in the first place, a reasonable person could conclude that he intentionally engaged the consulting services of Mr. Gareri, knowing that Gold Medical Technologies was a non-existing entity, with the full intent to defraud and injure Mr. Aldo Gareri once the job was done. This is exactly what happened a few months later, and it is consistent with what Goldowsky had done to Prof. Newman and others.

Another issue with the signing of this agreement, is that Goldowsky operated a New York State based company that was bankrupt since 2006, from South Carolina without properly registering the entity as a foreign corporation. Given Goldowsky’s record of deceiving and misleading people in order to obtain personal benefit from their work, it is reasonable to speculate, that Goldowsky intentionally never dissolved the entity in NY so that if an unsuspecting consultant were to do a search to verify the status of Gold Medical, one would find that NY State lists it as an ACTIVE corporation, and therefore would sign a contract not knowing that the company had filed for bankruptcy in 2006, which would most likely make any legal claim against Gold Medical futile.